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    • BIO: Recreio is a family owned farm belonging to the Machaedo family. Diogo is the 4th generation producer in this family and his farm has continuously delivered impressive coffee for a long time. The farm is situated on a slightly higher altitude than most farms in the area which helps during matu..
    • BIO: This washing station has been around for a long time and we´ve enjoyed our first great cups of ethiopian naturals in the past from this station. We feel this coffee has every quality you seek in a classic ethiopian natural. Over 1000 members are part of the Yirgacheffe Farmers Cooperative and..
    • BIO: The indigenous tribe Inga Aponte was for a long time forced by guerrilla groups to cultivate coca in their territory and they have historically also been driven away from their place of origin. Today, through efforts by state and the governor of the Inga Aponte, they aspire to produce the Colo..
    • (pre-order) Love Coffee 100g repack
      Love Coffee repack 100g ..